Pre-conference workshop #5

Writing for Publication in SOTL

Presented by: Mick Healey and Kelly Matthews

Room: Troldtog – Level 3

Time: Wednesday, 13.00-15.45


Abstract: ‘Going public’ is one of the key features of SoTL. This workshop will unpack some of the mysteries of publishing in internationally refereed teaching and learning journals and help colleagues find their voices through a variety of writing genres. The intended audience is primarily faculty/academics or staff and students who have limited experience of publishing about their SoTL work in academic journals, whether discipline-based or more generic SoTL outlets. However, our approach and strategies could also support and guide more experienced colleagues to enhance the quality of their articles and success in achieving publication. We argue that writing is an integral part of developing an identity as a SoTL scholar and conclude that we need to move beyond a narrow best-practice model of writing successfully about and for SoTL.
Participants at the workshop are asked to bring to the workshop the title and abstract (150-200 words) of a SoTL article they are either currently writing, or would like to write, for publication in an academic journal.


Mick Healey is an HE Consultant and Researcher and Emeritus Professor at the University of Gloucestershire, UK. He is currently The Humboldt Distinguished Scholar in Research-Based Learning at McMaster University, Canada. He was one of the first people in the UK to be awarded a National Teaching Fellowship and to be made a Principal Fellow of the HE Academy. In 2015 he received the Distinguished Service Award from the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Mick is an experienced presenter. Since 1995 he has given over 500 educational presentations in 25 different countries. He has written over 200 papers, chapters, books and guides on various aspects of teaching and learning in HE and is widely cited. He was joint editor of the Journal of Geography in Higher Education (1992-95); co-editor of the International Journal for Academic Development (2010-13); and is currently Inaugural Senior Editor International Journal for Students as Partners (2016- ). 

Kelly Matthews is an Associate Professor in Higher Education at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Her research explores students’ experiences of learning and student-staff partnerships in higher education. She co-develops, and teaches into, learning and teaching preparation programs for new tutors and academics. Kelly has collaborated on 24 funded teaching and learning projects worth $2.5 million, received five awards (four for teaching; one for research), and publishes extensively. In 2015 she was awarded an Australian Learning and Teaching Fellowship focused on Students as Partners to explore how students and staff working together can transform university education. She is currently an elected Vice-President for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, co-editing a special issue on student success for Higher Education Research and Development, and an inaugural co-editor for the International Journal for Students as Partners. Mutual engagement and shared responsibility for learning and teaching amongst students and staff (including faculty/academics) to shape higher education keeps her motivated!

Together, Mick and Kelly led the 2015 ISSoTL International Collaborative Writing Groups.

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