Paddles and Pedagogy: Journeying Towards a Learning Culture

Kevin Nolan, Catharine White

Come hear about Coast Mountain College’s efforts to move towards a learning culture with a unique experiential professional development endeavor. Called ‘Paddles and Pedagogy’, 10 instructors and 1 faculty developer embarked on a six day sea kayak trip during which a course in experiential place-based learning was offered covering such topics as defining experiential place-based learning, why it matters, and how to design, deliver and evaluate in accordance to experiential principles. The journey was a transformative learning adventure for all involved. That this experience influenced change in teaching and connection to one another (the time travelling in the wilderness together created tight bonds with one another – we alternatively called ‘paddles and pedagogy’ ‘pooping with peers’ – come hear what happens when distance between colleagues is removed).

Members of the expedition will share narratives around their growth. This poster will also explore key principles that contributed to the success of this learning adventure, including immersion, adventure, and strange lands experience, all implementable in other forms of teaching and learning as well as professional development. The outcomes of this professional development include inspiration, connections and appreciation. Come hear about all aspects of the planning, funding and the lived experience of experiential professional development and consider how it might be manifested in your own context.