IKD: Cooperative and Dynamic Teaching and Learning Model in the Basque Country University

Mirari Ayerbe, Elena Díaz, Idoia Fernandez, Mikel Garmendia, Urtza Garay, Iker Ros, Eneritz Ugarte

In April 2010 the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, approved its own educative model: IKD, ikaskuntza kooperatibo eta dinamikoa, cooperative and dynamic learning. During the course 2010-11 the new degree studies started. It was the right moment to establish new politics. This model states over five pillars:

  • Curriculum development
  • Active learning
  • Professional development
  • Institutional politics and development
  • Social and land development

This model is the natural evolution of the policies and strategies which drove the development of the studies after EHEA and Bologna process.

UPV/EHU offers 68 degrees based on the skills graduates should dominate. Prior to this, SAE-HELAZ offered formation for teachers who wanted to redesign their subjects based on the learning outcomes. More than 2400 teachers followed them.

Professionals were contacted to advise the design. 24 included external practices in institutions and companies in the Basque Country, so students are trained in close contact with the society. Indeed, 5 degrees offer the opportunity to combine studies and work during their formation.

The year before launching, ERAGIN (=trigger) began forming 75 teachers per year in active and cooperative teaching and learning methodologies: Problem based learning, Project based learning and Case methodology. In six editions, 334 teachers finished an 18-month program to design and implement the chosen methodology in their classes. Up to 350 materials are public in “ikd baliabideak”. The main goal of ERAGIN is that participants put into practice their designs and mentors follow up both design implementation phases. This is an effective manner to weave a net and create nodes connecting people from all categories and positions, to create a culture of innovation and cooperation. Teachers are mentors of other teachers, functioning as viral vectors spreading their experiences and convincing others to apply active methodologies themselves.

Coordination is fundamental. EHUNDU (=knit) is the plan for the curricular development of the Degree studies in accordance with the external quality assessment bureaus and the ikd model. Through this, training courses for degree and module coordinators were delivered to build up strong structures for proper development of degree studies. The Rectors have obtained extra funding from Basque Country Government for this.

Concurrently, connection with the society is growing through programs as ikdGAZtE (=young ikd) or Campus Bizia Lab (living lab): students cooperate with teachers, staff and institutions suggesting solutions to problems related to the territory and SDOs.